Issue #1/2024
A.V.Kocherov, A.B.Semyonov, D.V.Khvostov
LAN-cables. What normative documents should they comply with?
LAN-cables. What normative documents should they comply with?
DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
The interrelation of the Customs Union Regulation TR TS 004/2011 and general technical conditions according to GOST R 54429-2011 in the part of LAN-cables certification is considered. The consistency of these documents is substantiated and their good harmonisation is noted. The practical value of the Regulations as a means of integral safety assessment (in the broad sense of the term) of LAN-cable as a product is shown and it is pointed out that it is expedient to turn to GOST certification in case of its application in new areas. The importance for telecom operators of testing the multi-pair cables parameters is noted.
The interrelation of the Customs Union Regulation TR TS 004/2011 and general technical conditions according to GOST R 54429-2011 in the part of LAN-cables certification is considered. The consistency of these documents is substantiated and their good harmonisation is noted. The practical value of the Regulations as a means of integral safety assessment (in the broad sense of the term) of LAN-cable as a product is shown and it is pointed out that it is expedient to turn to GOST certification in case of its application in new areas. The importance for telecom operators of testing the multi-pair cables parameters is noted.
Теги: customs union regulation tr ts 004/2011 gost r 54429-2011 lan-cables lan-кабели measurement of lan-cable parameters standardisation гост р 54429-2011 измерение параметров lan-кабелей регламент таможенного союза тр тс 004/2011 стандартизация
LAN-cables. What normative documents should they comply with?
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