DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.

An IT solution in the form of a simple, flexible and scalable system for automatic generation of SMS-alerts, generation and control of task execution, control of mobile brigade employees is proposed. The concept of the monitoring system and a prototype software product including mathematical and software developed by the authors in the form of a database and a set of software modules to implement functionality required for the system are described. Algorithms for calculating the prioritisation of tasks for maintenance and repair work, estimating the volume of work performed, rating of employees for automating formation of tasks, accounting for the output and workload of personnel are presented.

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Issue #6/2024
N.V.Zorina, V.E.Schetov
Information system for automation of power grid maintenance monitoring of communication facilities
DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.

An IT solution in the form of a simple, flexible and scalable system for automatic generation of SMS-alerts, generation and control of task execution, control of mobile brigade employees is proposed. The concept of the monitoring system and a prototype software product including mathematical and software developed by the authors in the form of a database and a set of software modules to implement functionality required for the system are described. Algorithms for calculating the prioritisation of tasks for maintenance and repair work, estimating the volume of work performed, rating of employees for automating formation of tasks, accounting for the output and workload of personnel are presented.

Tags:   aios modules   electrical equipment maintenance   maintenance monitoring   maintenance prioritisation   management of emergency repair teams   mi measurement module   power distribution units   remer production group   second-generation rem power distribution units   мониторинг техобслуживания   приоретизация техобслуживания   техническое обслуживание электрооборудования   управление аварийно-восстановительными бригадами

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