Issue #6/2024
Russian electronics is preparing for the growth of demand for domestic semiconductors
Russian electronics is preparing for the growth of demand for domestic semiconductors
DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
At the annual conference "Russian electronics" organised on June 25 by the business edition "Vedomosti" with the traditional support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation for the seventh time, the task was to assess the situation with the prospects of increasing the output of domestic ECB.
At the annual conference "Russian electronics" organised on June 25 by the business edition "Vedomosti" with the traditional support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation for the seventh time, the task was to assess the situation with the prospects of increasing the output of domestic ECB.
Теги: import substitution of ecbs microelectronics production "russian electronics" conference staffing of the microelectronics industry импортозамещение экб кадровое обеспечение отрасли микроэлектроники конференция "российская электроника" производство микроэлектроники
Russian electronics is preparing for the growth of demand for domestic semiconductors
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