Issue #8/2024
High-capacity transport FOTS. Part 3. Evolution of technologies for manufacturing coherent DSPs. The end
High-capacity transport FOTS. Part 3. Evolution of technologies for manufacturing coherent DSPs. The end
DOI: 10.22184/2070-8963.2024.
This series of papers presents international industry standards for 400G open line interfaces with interchangeable coherent optical transceiver modules (transceivers) for OTN/DWDM transport fiber optic transmission systems (Part 1), evolution of generations of coherent digital signal processors (DSPs) for high-speed optical channels (wavelengths) in FOTs (Part 2), and evolution of technologies for manufacturing coherent DSPs for FOTs (Part 3).
Tags: 2nm process bpdn bpdn technologies cfet transistors epitaxy gaa silicon atom silicon processor limit transceiver атом кремния предел кремниевых процессоров технологии gaa техпроцесс 2 нм транзисторы cfet трансивер эпитаксия
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This series of papers presents international industry standards for 400G open line interfaces with interchangeable coherent optical transceiver modules (transceivers) for OTN/DWDM transport fiber optic transmission systems (Part 1), evolution of generations of coherent digital signal processors (DSPs) for high-speed optical channels (wavelengths) in FOTs (Part 2), and evolution of technologies for manufacturing coherent DSPs for FOTs (Part 3).
Tags: 2nm process bpdn bpdn technologies cfet transistors epitaxy gaa silicon atom silicon processor limit transceiver атом кремния предел кремниевых процессоров технологии gaa техпроцесс 2 нм транзисторы cfet трансивер эпитаксия
Subscribe to the journal Last Mile to read the full article.
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